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Online Registrations

UKROC 2025 registration is now closed!
Pre-register for 2026 now!

Please pre-register for 2026 by completing the form below. You will only be required to provide your supervising adult contact details at this stage, your team names will be requested at a later date. On completing this registration, you are agreeing to the below terms and conditions. 

You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see all the  UKROC excitement.

2026 dates will be released in September 2025, please see provisional dates below.

Provisional Dates for 2026 event:

  • April/May 2026 – Midlands regional*
  • April/May 2026 – Scottish regional
  • April/May 2026 – Wales regional*
  • April/May 2026 – Northern Ireland regional 
  • April/May 2026 – North regional 
  • April/May 2026 – South East regional
  • April/May 2026 – South East regional
  • April/May 2026 – South West regional
  • June 2026 – UK National Final, Buckminster 
  • 23 & 24 July 2026 – International Final at Farnborough International Airshow
We ask teams to note that the International Final will be held at Farnborough International Airshow 2026. If your team progresses to the National Final, we ask that you only take part if your team can attend the International Final in person if crowned UKROC champions. Accommodation is covered by UKROC.
*Please note that a Midlands and Welsh regional event will only take place if enough teams register to attend. We aim to host these regionals, however if this doesn’t happen you will be asked to attend the next closest regional from the locations above.
Follow all the action on Facebook and Instagrampre

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    School / Organisation name*

    Number of teams*

    Contact Number*

    Email *

    Address 1 *

    Address 2 *

    Town / City *

    Postcode *

    Region *

    Organisation *

    Other *

    Have you taken part in UKROC before?*

    Where did you hear about us*

    Other reason*

    Do you give UKROC permission to share your email address with university rocketry teams who can offer mentorship to your team?*

    Terms & Conditions

    I understand that the students on my team are responsible for the creation, design, and flight of the rocket without the assistance of any other adult, teacher, or non-member of the team.

    • I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to make sure that ADS receives all updated contact and student information.
    • I understand that the organisers have the right to make all last and final contest determinations.
    • I will be responsible for obtaining BMFA insurance for any test flights undertaken in relation to the UKROC competition.
    • I have read and understand all of the rules of the contest.
    • All information submitted is true to the best of my knowledge.
    • I have obtained all relevant parental / guardian consent for the team to attend all events associated with the competition.

    remember to check the UKRoc...

    Dates & Rules

    Photo Gallery